Monroe United Methodist Church
Saturday, February 08, 2025
Shining the light on the hill by connecting with Jesus Christ, connecting with each other, and connecting with the world.

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Blaze Youth Ministries:

We welcome all students grades 7-12th into a fun-filled atmosphere, Bible-based discussions, and a life changing personal relationship with Jesus Christ!

Established 2009 

Click here to read the latest Schedule of events (PDF opens in new window).

Bringing the Gospel to Teens Today:

In today’s busy world, statistics show that teens spend more time in extracurricular involvement and pursuing personal entertainment than ever before. Today’s teens are constantly on the go, pressured to pursue activities at break-neck speed and with adult-level commitment.
We find that more and more college classes in high school, deeper and deeper levels of commitment to sports teams, and longer and longer hours in all forms of rehearsals takes a toll on a teenagers availability to connect with others at church. Thus, lessening their personal desire to attend. They don't know the mentorship/fellowship/encouragement in Christ they are missing out on. And sadly, we often times don't realize it either until it's too late. 
As Christian adults, we should often be checking our personal priorities and at the same time evaluating our family activities. Are we pointing our teens to a personal relationship with Christ? And are we teaching them that Christ takes precedence over the relationships they currently have and time they currently spend with friends, coaches, teachers, instructors & Facebook alike?
Sadly, there is a downward trend in the number of students claiming the name of Christ for themselves. And many in this generation are more familiar with iTunes, Twitter, & Snap Chat than they are with Christian standards and God’s Word.
BLAZE Youth Ministries was birthed for this very reason.
Knowing that students are daily pulled back and forth by jobs, sports, rehearsals and other outside commitments and watching teens toss and turn in the sea of peer opinion and societal standards, we strive to reach teens for Christ in multiple different ways.

1. We offer peer-to-peer fellowship in group settings.

On Sundays and Wednesdays, we put down the phones, we get off of Facebook and we get to know each other face to face. We pray for one another, we crack open hard copies of God's Word and we learn together.

2. We learn the interests and strengths of those who attend.

We have a servant leadership mind-frame and a student leadership training program that allows students to pursue their interests and strengths. Then we give them opportunities to do, serve, and lead within the church.

3. We utilize current and culturally relevant tools to teach.

By utilizing art, music, drama, dance, videos, technology, and other culturally relevant mediums, we seek to boldly declare that the Jesus of 2000 years ago is still relevant and changing lives today!

4. We continue to disciple students after high school.

Knowing that older teens need guidance and mentorship long into their young adult years, we strive to stay connected with students who have graduated from our programs and offer them continued opportunities to serve and grow.

5. We are a partner to parents and a resource to families.

Through email, text, phone, Facebook, and face-to-face connection parents are involved in every aspect of BLAZE Youth Ministries. We are not spiritually responsible for the growth of your student(s), and we don't claim to be. But we are here to encourage you when you feel like giving up. We have tools to equip you and learning opportunities to grow you. We go the extra-mile when your family needs support and we carry each other's burdens on this hard journey of discipling teens in today's world.

blaze youth ministries: Adult involvement is essential!

As adults in Christ, we are called to mentor young people in their faith journey. We strive to teach teens the differences between the wide roads of this world and the narrow paths of Christ and the abundant life He has for them! We have many adult volunteers serving in different areas of the youth ministry to do just that, and we welcome YOU to join us!