Monroe United Methodist Church
Saturday, February 08, 2025
Shining the light on the hill by connecting with Jesus Christ, connecting with each other, and connecting with the world.


Click here to read the latest news about children's ministries at Monroe umc (PDF opens in new window).



UMC provides many enriching opportunities for different spiritual levels and age groups. Our teachers are trustworthy and loyal. They believe that communication is key to building relationships and firm foundations of faith. 

We understand that there are multiple styles of learning. Therefore, we use a variety of teaching methods to help children understand the Bible. 

Nursery: Birth through Age 4

The nursery is open every Sunday morning for the 9:30 and 11:00 services. Our well-equipped nursery is staffed by Linda Larkin and other volunteers. The nursery is located on the top floor of the Church. 


As one big group, we begin Sunday mornings in the play area with donuts at 9:15. At around 9:30, we move the excitement downstairs to the Sunday school rooms to sing songs or watch a video. After the lesson is introduced, we separate into smaller groups: Lil’ Sparks (potty trained pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade), Dynamic Disciples (2nd and 3rd grade), and Flames of Faith (4th – 6th grade). 

Sunday school teachers are comprised of Monroe UMC staff members and volunteers who have all undergone the Shepherd’s Watch background check.


Communion Sundays

Children stay in the 9:30 service every first Sunday of each month. We like to celebrate The Lord’s Supper together and it gives the kids a chance to experience worship. They can sit with family or join the Sunday school teachers to do a quiet craft while they listen, sing, and pray. 

Worship Bags

Quiet Bags are available for children attending the 11:00 traditional service to borrow. Simply return to the Children’s Hall Tree outside of the sanctuary at the conclusion of the service. 



Slinky Afterschool Tutoring – An elementary program at Amanda UMC (1315 Oxford State Rd, Middletown, OH 45044) on Mondays and Wednesdays between 3:45 and 5:30 (mentoring tutors volunteer in the last hour). 

Giving Tree – The little trees with Christmas tags go up around mid- November. It’s easy to participate - just choose a tag(s), go shopping, wrap your gift, bring to church, and make a child very happy! 

Gina Craft is Director of Children’s Ministry. 

You may contact her at 937-514-3793/