Monroe United Methodist Church
Saturday, February 08, 2025
Shining the light on the hill by connecting with Jesus Christ, connecting with each other, and connecting with the world.

Fellowship & Caring

Crisis Ministry

Our pastor is available to listen and support those experiencing crisis. Contact the church office to inquire for assistance.


In an effort to reach out to those experiencing transition and such difficulties as surgery and loss, we have a ministry that offers food and support. Casseroles are received from members of the congregation on those months which have a 5th Sunday.

Congregational Health Care Ministry

A team of nurses and health care workers offer support to the congregation and community. Screenings, training, and collection of medical equipment are part of the mission of this team. They also offer a health care fair offered to the community each year.

Caring Connections

Enjoy fellowship, food, and fun then you will enjoy the ministry of this team. Working to offer connections for all in the church family, the caring connections team provides events that bring persons together. St Patrick’s Day Potato Bake, Spring Variety Show, and a pet blessing are activities that this team has offered to our community.


Loss can be especially painful. We want those experiencing grief to know we care. A faithful group of persons work to help provide encouragement, food, and support for those walking through the valley of the shadow of death.

Good Fellowship

Come and join this group that meets monthly for dinner and events. Special guests and programs cover a variety of topics. Don’t forget to start with dessert first when joining us for this great evening.

Good Shepherd Ministry

This ministry team is geared toward reaching out to those in our area including retirement villages and nursing homes. Bulletins, cards, and recordings of our services of worship are provided.

Grief Recovery

A grief recovery program is offered at the church periodically in conjunction with Hospice of Middletown. Trained leaders help folks on the journey of grief. For more information contact our church office plus check out the services of hospice locally at        

Men’s Ministry

Our men’s group meets on the first Saturday of every month at 9 am. They share breakfast and fellowship together. They periodically engage in other activities such as trips and projects.

United Methodist Women

The women’s ministry is alive and well at Monroe. Our ladies gather to pray, plan, and serve through a variety of outreach and mission programs. They meet monthly but have special events throughout the year.

Visitation Ministry

Our pastor is available to visit those hospitalized and homebound. In addition, other staff and laity are available to respond with a listening ear and a word of prayer. Contact the church office to inquire for assistance.         

We Care Team

Our lay visitation team is dedicated to connect with those whom are homebound and unable to attend our regular services of worship. They also assist in providing Holy Communion to those desiring it on a once a quarter basis